Whenever I guide on the water I’m always reminded of why the river calls to me.  Each day brings memories: pouring that first cup of coffee as the sun breaks over the ridge, a distant bird’s call echoing on a bluff, sitting around the campfire sharing stories at night, or maybe the just silence, the stillness of a remote river camp.  For some reason I’ve always wanted to share this and this last year has allowed that to happen in a new way. 

Our Yonder Adventure Company trip starts well before we arrive at the river.  We start with the meal planning and shopping, working from a set menu and taking into account the weather and guests preferences including dietary restrictions. A trip to the grocery store with a checklist for each meal gets confirmed and packed into ice chests or dry storage back at headquarters. We double check and pack kitchen equipment to make sure we have the right tools to cook each meal and triple check the all important coffee supply. 

After evaluating weather forecasts and river conditions, we plan the perfect adventure and correct gear selection for each trip. When the river is up we naturally travel faster, so we might choose a longer trek.  Conversely, summer brings slower water and naturally a need for swim breaks, so a shorter trip might be perfect. Taking time to gather this data is an important step to make sure you have the perfect trip.

It's great meeting new folks in this environment.  We gather at the river, coordinate our shuttle and talk about what to expect.  Weather and temperature can determine our gear requirements and trip options, so we share all of the info and make sure everyone has their gear stored in the dry duffel bags we provide.  It’s fun to use our experience  and training as paddler to make sure this is always a safe and fun adventure for each of our guests.

Once we are on the water, it’s time to make sure you get immersed in the beauty of the Buffalo River.  I know my time on the water always brings fun, friendship, and a renewed respect for the natural world no matter where I travel.  Sure there are skills involved especially on flowing water, but those are simply tools to open this arena for true exploration.  In my former vocation time was of the essence and there was always a task or product to complete.  Now the more natural flow of the water gives direction, sometimes pushing, but often meandering allowing one to really see the beauty all around. 

We work hard to provide a seamless experience for our guests, but the river is in charge.  She can be a lazy float or a fast flowing ride!  No matter the season there is always something to enjoy.  We may be stewards in showing the way but the boss, the Buffalo River, is a national treasure to be experienced.

 Come “Meander” with us at Yonder Adventure Company.


Joe Goodwin


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Hot Chocolate Floats